L'Histoire au Fil des Mots...
Pas moins de 70000 documents peuplent les pièces de ce musée hors du commun. Comme un hymne au patrimoine culturel, les lettres côtoient les partitions, et les manuscrits scientifiques les livres anciens. L'Histoire se dessine au gré des lignes. Le Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits évolue autour de cinq thèmes: l'Histoire, les Arts, la Littérature, les Sciences et la Musique. Une immersion magique subtilement mise en scène. On avance dans le musée avec une légère appréhension. A-t-on vraiment le droit d'être là? L'écriture est une intimité partagée. Découvrir de tels manuscrits nous transporte au plus près des auteurs. A quelques centimètres du génie, à une vitre du héros. Des pensées illustres sont à notre portée. Une lettre écrite de la main de Louis XIV ou "La Déclaration à tous les Français" de Louis XVI donnent à l'Histoire un souffle lourd. Comme si ces manuscrits apportaient une légitimité à l'Histoire.
La magie de ce musée réside dans la mémoire. Nous avons notre propre conception du monde. Les manuscrits scientifiques nous rappellent les incroyables évolutions et inventions dont nous bénéficions aujourd'hui. Des croquis de Thomas Edison par exemple, ou encore un manuscrit de Darwin. Et que dire des partitions de Beethoven ou des lettres de Baudelaire? Comment ne pas tomber en admiration devant tant de talent. Les mots et les notes de si grands artistes se lisent avec le coeur. Une émotion vive perturbe le quotidien. Quelle était sa pensée à l'écriture de cette lettre? Quelle image s'imprimait à l'écriture de ses notes?
Le Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits nous offre l'occasion de pénétrer l'Histoire le temps d'une visite et de côtoyer ceux qui l'ont écrite. Deux choses au sortir de cette balade dans le temps: le sentiment d'être tout petit et l'émerveillement à la lecture des grands de ce monde.
Séjourner à Paris lors d'un week-end culturel.
Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits
222 boulevard Saint-Germain, 75007 Paris.
Ouvert du mardi au dimanche, de 10h00 à 19h00. Nocturne le jeudi jusqu'à 21h30
Tarif: 7 euros.
Séjourner à Paris lors d'un week-end culturel.
Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits
222 boulevard Saint-Germain, 75007 Paris.
Ouvert du mardi au dimanche, de 10h00 à 19h00. Nocturne le jeudi jusqu'à 21h30
Tarif: 7 euros.
The story is told with words. The letters are witness of a bygone era. Imprint of time follows the curves of every letter. The event value draws punctuation. Reading communicates with humanity. Yesterday crosses the bridge of a tinted reality. Subjectivity lies in the nib. And behind the pen, the author. A soul, a life, a spirit. Writing is inextricably linked to the author. He represents, denounces, beautifies. Meaning enjoins the shape. The paper has aged, the ink has dried, the writer has disappeared. And History has changed. But the writing remains. It runs the years with the strength and the durability of stone. The rock that undergoes the wind and tide, and prints the forces of nature. This rock found after the turmoil of the time. The writing is there. And the Museum of Letters and Manuscripts has chosen to put it in the honor.
No less than 70,000 documents are in this unusual museum. As a hymn to the cultural heritage, alongside letters, are musical scores, scientific manuscripts, old books... History is drawn with lines. The Museum of Letters and Manuscripts evolves around five themes: History, Art, Literature, Science and Music. A magical immersion permitted by a subtle staging. We advance in the museum with a slight apprehension. Are we really right to be there? Writing is a shared intimacy. Discover such manuscripts brings us closer to authors. A few centimeters from a genius, a single glass separates us from a hero. Famous thoughts are within our reach. A letter written by the hand of Louis XIV or "The Declaration to all the French" by Louis XVI, give a heavy breath to history. As if such manuscripts brought legitimacy to history.
Magic of this museum is the memory. We have our own worldview. The scientific manuscripts remind us of the incredible developments and inventions we enjoy today. Drawings of Thomas Edison, for example, or a manuscript of Darwin. And what about the scores of Beethoven or letters of Baudelaire? How not to fall in admiration of such talent. Such great artists' words and notes are read with the heart. Strong emotion disturbs daily life. What was his thought in writing this letter? What picture was printed when he wrote his notes?
The Museum of Letters and Manuscripts gives us the opportunity to enter History and to meet those who are wrote it, the time of a visit. Two things out of this walk through time: the feeling of being very small and amazement in reading the great of this world.
Sleeping in Paris during a cultural weekend.
Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits
222 Boulevard Saint-Germain, 75007 Paris.
Open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Thursday until 9:30 p.m.
Price: 7 euros.
The Museum of Letters and Manuscripts gives us the opportunity to enter History and to meet those who are wrote it, the time of a visit. Two things out of this walk through time: the feeling of being very small and amazement in reading the great of this world.
Sleeping in Paris during a cultural weekend.
Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits
222 Boulevard Saint-Germain, 75007 Paris.
Open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Thursday until 9:30 p.m.
Price: 7 euros.